Sorry I have been MIA! We are super busy here at the house. We have wedding after wedding, wedding showers, bachelorette/bachelor parties and birthdays. We have been going every weekend and wont stop until May then we get a little break and will start back up again. Its crazy, but its fun.
Drew and Sara are doing great. We have been enjoying the weather and taking them out as much as possible. They love being outside. We have been spending a lot of time with our neighbors. We grill and hangout with the kiddos. Its been great having adult time but still having our kids there. Their neighbors have two little girls and the twins have been spending a lot time with them as well. Its been great and I am very blessed to live in such a great neighborhood with fantastic neighbors to share memories with.
Morning naps are slowly getting cut out of their schedule. Makes for a lovely afternoon nap though so I cant complain. Eating is getting even easier! Bottles are out of the equation completely. They are growing so fast. Last year we were sticking a bottle in their mouth every three hours. Now they are our little mini Me's. Its amazing how quickly things change with them and how they grow into such smart independent little beings. I love every moment.
On a side note...Andrew and I are great. He is going to Shreveport this weekend for my brothers bachelor party. They are going to have a blast. I was supposed to go out of town as well, but plans have changed. So Friday and Friday night it is me and the babies. My first night alone with them. It should be interesting. I think they are going to have a night of spoiling and kisses! My mom agreed to take them Saturday morning so I can get the house cleaned with no distractions and a little me time at the spa! I am looking forward to the weekend, but sure am going to miss family time.